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Why All Businesses Should Be Investing in Search Engine Optimization


When you need a product or service, chances are you look to Google to search for potential companies to fulfill your purchasing needs.  You’re potential clients are doing the exact same thing… Having a nice website sounds great, but if it’s not helping your business grow, what good is it really?

SEO (search engine optimization) is the process of optimizing your website so that Google can more easily know where to show your company’s website when prospects are searching for services you offer.  The better your website is optimized, the more likely you are to rank on the first page for keywords that are relevant to your product or service offering.  Now this is definitely oversimplifying things, but you get the idea.

When you first reach out to us, we will run an audit on your website to see what issues may be preventing Google (and other search engines) from indexing your website properly.  We will also show you how your website ranks for a variety of keywords that may be relevant to your company.   Doing this will provide you with a better understanding of how your website is currently performing and what items we need to do to improve it.  If you’d like to see some examples of our work, we can show you case studies of how we have helped other local company’s improve their presence online. We’ll do all of this for you for free!

Once you decide to work with us for your search engine optimization needs we will provide all of the following services:

  • Onsite optimization including meta tag creation/optimization for all pages on site
  • Geo tags on the website
  • Schema markup code on the site
  • Setup Google Analytics
  • Submit a sitemap and request Google to crawl and index site
  • Submit site to other search engines
  • Keyword research to determine what phrases we want to optimize the site for
  • Off-site optimization including backlink building, linkwheels etc…
  • Provide reporting dashboard for all your SEO & marketing initiatives… Our dashboard can monitor and report on website traffic, keyword rankings, email marketing campaigns you run, fully integrates with our review management services and so much more!




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