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Choosing the proper voice and platform key to blogging success

Choosing the proper voice and platform key to blogging success

Implementing a successful marketing campaign for a business is tricky. There are so many components to a marketing plan, and the trends and rules are always changing. Blogging is one example of a solid marketing tool that can be a valuable resource for the marketing...
Blogging gains in popularity while ad revenue streams decline

Blogging gains in popularity while ad revenue streams decline

Everyone knows someone with a blog, whether personal or otherwise. Popular social media platforms, such as Pinterest, link to countless blogs telling eager readers everything from how to turn an old tire into a raised garden to how to start a multi-million-dollar...
Tips For Getting Started On SEO…

Tips For Getting Started On SEO…

Starting a business is certainly a daunting task. Once that business is up and running, the right marketing is an essential tool for keeping it going. In today’s digital world, search engine optimization (SEO) skills are a must for bringing in and holding on to...